Friday, November 23, 2007

Wings of desire

Why can't i get what i desire?
Why must the powers that be always have to shove the sweetest of the lollies in my mouth and say "Stop whining and lick it, and tell me when you finish. I'll get you another one."

Why do i have to be content with what life gives me?

Why can't life give me what I want,

instead of trying to pacify me with the things that i can't care less about?

I don't like the sweetest, the costliest, the fairest.

No, i don't want them.

I want, what I want.

Is that too much of a desire?

Why should i be contented with what life gives when i never asked for it gave?

Why is it that every time i like something, it is snatched away and am told that i can have anything but that?

No, please, I only want that.

Nothing else please.
Take back what you have given and grant me what i desire.
Please give me what I want...please....