Friday, November 2, 2007

Keeping up with Life

Life strutted past as I stood and watched.
She looked over her shoulder once,
Only to find me grappling to keep pace.
I ask, "Why don't you go slow?"
She retorts, "Why cann't you keep up with me?"
And She marched on, no time to breathe.
I frown, wonder whats the hurry all about
All she has to do is die someday!
May be only then would I be ahead of her
When She's no more there to lead me.

When She won't be there
To lead me into the pitfalls of shame,
Into the dungeons of failure,
The darkness of gloom,
The vacuum of loneliness,
The vastness of the night,
As also,
To the freshness of the dawn,
The babble of the stream,
The rustle of the Westerlies.
Just as She led me
To the purity of glory,
The chastity of redemption,
The depths of humility,
The breadths of integrity,
The multitude of smiles,
The engulfing hugs,
The everlasting dreams,
The realisation of self-worth.

And then, I start running after Her again.
To be with her for as long as she's there for me -
To usher me into the unseen world,
To reminisce the halycon moments with Her,
To hug Her,
To love Her,
like never before.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievably Great!!!..Is it something that u actually thought of?

Soummo said...

@ An.....
everything posted here is straight from the heart :)

Debarshi Bhattacharya said...


manvendra said...

i guess this is a blend of two innate feelings which one invariably experiences with the people they love dearly, one is the fear of losing 'them' and the second is the unexplainable and incomprehensible NEED to spend more time with 'them'.
A very nice read dude... keep it up!!!!